Addresses of Dairy & Beef Farmers

Because we have the most complete and up-to-date Agricultural Data Platform in Europe, we have up-to-date files on beef and dairy farmers in countries including the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland and Austria. Not only are names, addresses and telephone numbers available, we also have the opt-in permission from many companies to contact them by email.

An extensive file

To work effectively, it is good to have additional data from agricultural businesses. The AgriDirect database has therefore been enriched with a lot of extra information, including:

  • The number of dairy cattle, young cattle, veal calves (white, red and pink) and suckler cows.
  • The type of barn
  • Investment plans
  • The number of tractors and tractor brands present.
  • The number of hectares in total, of grassland and of maize.
  • The age of the farmer.
  • The future plans of dairy farmers.

Quality and currency

The basis for the success of direct marketing is a good, current database of addresses. To keep addresses and additional information up to date, we contact them annually by telephone in our sectoral scans. We regularly compare the quality of our database with data from Statistics Netherlands (CBS).

Dairy Cattle update

In the spring, during the Dairy Cattle update, we call all the dairy and beef farms in the Netherlands and Belgium to update the address files. Additionally, clients can add their own questions for market research or lead generation purposes. It is also possible to ask a question only those farms with young cattle, veal calves or in a certain region, for example. More information about our Diary Cattle update.

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